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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Zeal=, for_children: n, latest_content: 1"
A New Way to Be Human Seven pathways to zeal or being fully and passionately alive.
Enjoy Every Sandwich A 52-year-old doctor modeling how a variety of spiritual resources can help us face imminent death.
A Widow's Story A memoir about the author's year of grieving after the death of her husband of more than 47 years.
Holy Eros A rich and compelling celebration of eros as a force field that arouses us to a zest for life.
Integral Life Practice An overview of the practices and perspectives that can transform your life, promote inner work, and keep you fully alive every day.
Common Sense Spirituality Essays covering 30 years in the development of Brother David's mystical, everyday spirituality based on the practices of gratitude, faith, and hope.
The Search for Spirituality An expansive and adventuresome survey to global spirituality and the uncharted territories it is opening up for people.
Shaking A dramatic and dynamic program on the healing powers of ecstatic movement.
The Saints' Guide to Happiness Insights into living out of the deepest part of ourselves.
Salvation A biography of the patron saint of animals and ecologists.